Welcome To PlanetSoane
Welcome! We all have one thing in common and that’s to be well and healthy..(Meet Soane) Here you will learn more about information on health and wellness, personal training and self empowerment. Feel free to contact Soane and reach out on his social media’s. You can also checkout Soane’s store for the latest merch. Thanks for coming by and have a great day!
Begin Your Journey With Soane Etu

Soane Etu is content creator and shares the knowledge that he has gained in health and wellness with people in person and online to improve lives all around the world. Soane shares information through social media on his YouTube channels: PlanetSoane and Soane Etu ~ Get Better Everyday. Thanks to the internet Soane can connect with his soul family in different regions and cultures of the world and get better everyday together. Soane uploads new video’s every week on to his PlanetSoane YouTube channel. See what viewers are saying below….
Benefits Of Running For: Body, Mind & Spirit

What Is The Best Seaweed To Eat? What About Fukushima?
Become Aware Of Health & Nutrition
Nutrition is an important topic that effects everyone’s life. But is some of the food that we are eating healthy? With so much chemicals additives and pollutants in the environment, Soane navigates through different ways to help people eat healthy for longevity. Since Soane has started his health journey over 17 years ago there have been major improvements in the food industry. More has to be done, as there are many food ingredients that aren’t suitable for human consumption. Once you remove the toxins from the body and purify it, it will run smooth.

The Human Body Is Designed To Move
The movement of our body is key on why we are here on this planet. Being in the body and learning how to use the body is important.

Your Health, Is Your Wealth
Discover why the human body is the most sophisticated vehicle you will ever own in this life time…..

Soane Etu became interested in health and wellness when he began to…..
Soane Etu Helps Improve Peoples Lives
Soane offers personal training to help people get better. Training enhances body awareness, coordination, balance, peripheral vision, enhanced senses, flexibility, strength, endurance, quickness, agility, intuitiveness and mental strength. Advance your health, condition and develop the body and enhance the mind and spirit through training…..

“The Dimaano Family couldn’t be happier with your fitness guidance. We feel healthier every day – feel good about what we’re doing and where we’re going. It helps that you always keep things new and exciting. We never know what you have in store for us, it’s like anticipating what we’re gonna get for Christmas! Eric looks amazingly hot, Andrew is getting stronger and faster, and I feel I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been”……………
View more of what clients Soane has worked with are saying…

“Treat Your Body Well”
Checkout some of PlanetSoane’s inspirational videos…..
Checkout some of PlanetSoane’s adventures with family and friends……
Checkout The Latest Video From PlanetSoane

“Inner Peace Within The Body Mind & Soul Starts With Your Health“
Are you a health coach?
Are you vegan?
What were your qualifications?
Did you go to college?
Do you p…….
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- Weight Loss 1 LBs. At A Time
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©2024 Soane Etu – Get Better Everyday.